Wednesday, June 30, 2010

#3: Obesity

1. Summary: New Yorker are opposing to "the soda tax" of Gv. Paterson. However, this term is based on a study of Dr. Claire Wang about how sugar drinks consumption leads to obesity and others kind of serious diseases. This issue brought out lots of controversy between the consumer and the Government.
2. I think this could be a way to show that the US government cares about US residents 's health. However, whether this works or not, it depends. Just like cigarettes was taxed before, but still, there are lots of smokers. Once people are addicted to something, they could do anything to get it so money is not a big issue for them. I think in order to prevent obesity, government should find some other ways to educate the residents about how bad it is for health.
3. This is my article
I choose this article because it provides tips to prevents obesity that we could easily do it at home.

I commented on Hyeyeon and Candy's blogs.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Staying Young

1. My score: 90/150
2. Summary: Slowing down aging process has been an issues for scientist to work on in several years. Yet they havent found a way to artificially impact this natural process by pills, by surgery, but they did find out some ways to help slowing down this process from the very beginning of a person's life base on the long-live people 's experience and animal testing. These studies are very valuable to extend one person's life in the mean time.
3. My own opinion: I always think that everything was create by Mother nature has its own meaning. Therefore, i dont like any action which go against the nature. Living long sounds good, but for me, living usefully and meaningfully is even better.
4. This is my article
I choose this article because it 's about how drinking and eating could help people prevent the aging process which i think is the easiest way. :)

I commented on Joshua and Meshary 's blogs.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

1st blog post: creativity

I. Summary: The hidden secrets of the creative mind.
The article is about an interview of the journalist: Francine Russo with the psychologist R.Keith Sawyer about his finding and some suggestions to develop our creativity. According to his finding, creativity of each person come from unexpected moments when people pay less attention to it. It also come from the same mental building blocks people use everyday. He also stated that creativity is something we can develop step by step. Not only the genius or gifted people could have creative idea and none could have creative mind of every field but basically their progress of creativity works the same. Therefore he suggested a way to be creative is to think of as many ideas as possible, dont mind the bad ideas and take risk to do it.

II. My opinion:
I totally agree with Mr R.Keith Sawyer suggestion about not being afraid of bad ideas, working hard and taking risk to make the idea come true. Anyway, idea is always idea unless you make it real. and you would never know whether your idea is good or not if you dont try.

III. This is my article

I choose this article because I think in order to develop new ideas, we need to carefully avoid doing something that could kill ideas.

I commented on Hyeyeon and Candy 's blog.