Friday, April 30, 2010

Reaction to film: Baraka

There were so many beautiful sequence in the movie and somehow i think I could get a part of the director 's message. However, the scene that impress me is the sequence at the end of the movie when everybody in India is at the Ganges River-bathing, praying, doing funeral's ceremony,etc. There would even a cremation when the death body was burned after the funeral. After being burn, all the ash of the dead person will be dusted into the river. Although at first, i thought it's so unsanitary how so many people could bath, wash clothes, drinks, pray... at the same time/same place of river like that.

This sequence showed that no matter what you are poor or rich, good or bad, the river-which is considered as Indian 's mother- is always the place where all of them came from, lived with and return when they died. The mother always open up her arms welcoming all of her children no matter what who they are, what they do.

Watching this sequences gives me delighted, cherishing and a little disgusting. I think about my parents, especially my mom and i feel sinful because i m so far away from her to take care of her.

I used to be a bad child to my parents. I always avoid to study and so playful which made my parents mad all the time. When i went to University in another city(my hometown is a very small town), i started to live far away from home, alone. Sometimes i got hurt, sometimes i was sad, sometimes i was frustrated, It was always my parents who support me by anyway they could. Since then, every time i have an issue, I always try to face it because i know that there are somebody-my parents who support me all the time with no condition. I feel like being far away from home, is away to be closer to home.

The message i got from that sequence is: no matter who you are, whether you are wealthy or not, you came from the same roots as every others, somehow. You might go further to learn, to challenge your self, but dont forget your root.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Journal #16: Confucius quote

"Find a job that you love doing and you will never have to work a day in your life", Confusius said.

Everyone has to work, sooner or later. Some work to make ends meet, their jobs brought nothing to them but money. Some are luckier, they have the chance to do what they love to do and they devote all their lives for it. Unfortunately, there's not many people have that chance. Like here in America, there are so many people working on careers which they don't have any interested in it. Especially in this economic crisis situation, people only wants to find a job in order to earn enough money to pay rents, taxes,etc. Therefore, having a job that you love doing will bring joy and happiness to you, you enjoy doing it everyday, just like you dont have to work at all.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Journal # 15: Analyzing an agrument

Eldred, G (Apr 14, 2010). Letter to the editor: Daily Titan ASI Election Coverage. Daily Titan. Retrieve April 22, 2010 from

The author 's thesis: He's completely fed up with Daily Titan, and its coverage of the Voting booths.
He claimed that The Daily Titan has covered the election, quite biasedly. He thinks if the coverage of the election started sooner with objective articles giving all students the enough information, there would not have blind voters. The Daily Titan have to be straight and honest because it can not please everyone. The author also believe the Daily Titan and its continuous negative coverage of the elections is a contributing factor for the reason why there 's small percentage of people voting.
For finding solution, he has worked with a few students on the ASI University Affairs committee to change the bylaws so the Daily Titan can fix this issue, not disappointing students again.

In my opinion, his argument has not been persuasive enough. He needs to add more evidence, more facts and information from the students he 's been working with.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Journal 14: Anticipating Your parent's Objection.

Dear Mom and Dad,

How are you doing ? I hope everything is alright.

I m sorry for not writing any e-mail recently. I have been through a very stressful time preparing for my graduation test and finally, it's done last week.

While waiting for the results and graduation ceremony, i m thinking of a next step and i know what i wanna do for now. I want to go to Africa to do volunteering job in the next 2 months. I will be back on August.

I know you might think it 's not a good idea because:
1. It might be dangerous for me because Africa is famous as a undeveloped place where many people died because of serious diseases. Well, it 's true that Africa 's medical system is not modern enough to cure diseases like yellow fever and i might have a chance to get a serious disease when i go there. However, that 's the reason why whoever apply for a visa to an African country is required to have vacination certificate for many kinds of diseases included yellow fever. As long as i have vacination 10 days before entering Africa, there would not have any possibility for me to get containminated with these kind of diseases. Furthermore, i have check with many volunteering associations to Africa and found there 's none of their volunteerer got diseases after vacination. There 's only 1 case of yellow fever because that guy came to Africa only 3 days after got injected.

For common sickness, i have prepared all the needed medicines. Plus , our volunteering group 's purpose is to check health condition for the children in Africa, so there will be more dotors in our group than students like me. If i get some kind of sickness, I will have them to cure right away.

2. You might also be worried about this wont get me any money but i have to spend my own money and i dont have that much. Yes, i m temporary jobless and have no income, however, all the trip 's expenses like transportation cost, foods, accomodation... are all covered by the association. I dont have to spend anything but shopping money and you know that there 's nothing much to shop in Africa.
Thus, for the last couples of months, i mostly studied for my graduation test. I havent gone out much with my friends nor gone shopping. So i have saved some money which i think it would be more than enough for me within 2 months in Africa.
Therefore, dont be worried about money issue. I have considered this carefully before making decision.
Besides these above concerns, I believe that i would learn some valuable lessons about life, about the actual world and it would be very helpful for my carreer later all. You know, the more you go out explore the world, the more valuable lesson you learn.

I hope you could understand and support my decision. I ll be very gratefu.
Thank you very much!!
Love you all,

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Journal #13: Summerise/paraphrase practice

Schudel, Mark. (2010, Apr 12). Bob Frank, four-term congressman from N.J., dies at 58. The Washington Post. Retrieved Apr 11, 2010, from

A four-term congressman from N.J. , Bob Frank, passed away because of cancer on April 9. Mr Bob has worked as a protege for the state legislature for 14 years before becoming a N.J Congressman on 1992. He competed with Jon S Corzine in the race to Senate on 2000but failed. After that, he also unable to be a Republican governor nominee on 2001.He became a frequent consultant for Corzine after they made good friends. Corzine soon became a Governor after that.