Friday, April 23, 2010

Journal #16: Confucius quote

"Find a job that you love doing and you will never have to work a day in your life", Confusius said.

Everyone has to work, sooner or later. Some work to make ends meet, their jobs brought nothing to them but money. Some are luckier, they have the chance to do what they love to do and they devote all their lives for it. Unfortunately, there's not many people have that chance. Like here in America, there are so many people working on careers which they don't have any interested in it. Especially in this economic crisis situation, people only wants to find a job in order to earn enough money to pay rents, taxes,etc. Therefore, having a job that you love doing will bring joy and happiness to you, you enjoy doing it everyday, just like you dont have to work at all.

1 comment:

  1. Since this is a reaction prompt, I think we would all like to hear what that means for you.
